Driver CPC

JT Recruit is once again collaborating with S-GTTL Transport Training & Logistics Ltd to offer you the opportunity to complete as many modules as you need to renew your Driver CPC.
We have 23 dates available, that’s 460 slots, so don’t delay in securing your dates.

– Driver CPC courses will be held every Saturday, starting from 9th March 2024 to the 7th of September 2024.

– There is a charge for the training of £50 per training module, payment is required 7 days before you attend your course date.

– If you are looking for a bargain, you have the option to choose 5 courses and make full payment prior to your first course date, you will then receive a £50 discount – pay for only 4 modules – that’s a one-off payment of £200 required.

– All dates must be paid in advance.

– S-GTTL have stipulated that drivers CANNOT complete the same CPC module twice.

– When you attend a Driver CPC training session then you must take your licence. If you do not take your licence with you then you cannot do the training and it is non-refundable.

– Please note that tea and coffee is provided throughout the day, but you will be required to take your own lunch.

– There is limited free car parking available, on street parking is available, pay & display is £2 all day.

– Training Location is Derby.

If you are interested call Maxine on 01623 424244 or email to arrange.